Here we are... What are the criteria to choose the "good" controller? - Price of the IC => this one is not a problem, those components are just so... Cheap !! Oo' - Number of pins for this project - Easy to code, as it is a first for me - Size - Availability of the coding software & kit Regarding the size, the idea is to be able to program the controller and install it on the board, or install the controller on the board and upload the code. For this reason, I do not think Arduino is a good idea. Don't get me wrong, I don't say it is not good (I am not an expert) and I should give it a try for another project, just that it does not appear the best solution to have a stand-alone controller for this project without any interface/ intermediary card. Then we have mainly two options: PIC controllers from Microchip or AVR from Atmel. After having spent a long time reading different articles, comparatives, forums, etc etc... Well... Both solutions can...
Mechanics, aeronautics, drawings,... Whatever I have on my mind! Welcome!